How Dangerous Wasp Can Be

One of the biggest misconceptions that many people believe in is that a bee operates similarly to a wasp. As a result of this belief they typically assume that they are just as harmless and may attempt to remove wasp nest on their own. In all actuality however, while wasps and bees may share some similarities pertaining to their physical makeup, psychologically, wasps are a lot more dangerous and harmful than a typical bee is. 

Alternating Behavior
One of the reasons why wasps are so dangerous is partially due to the fact that their behavior changes from season to season. While wasps may consume live insects during the summer and winter months, during the autumn months, they usually switch to human food. This in essence, causes direct confrontation, because unlike hornets that eat live insects all year round, wasps specifically turn to human food during the autumn months.

Another reasons why wasps are so dangerous is based on the fact that they utilize pheromones when they attack humans and small animals. By utilizing their pheromones, it essentially operates as an alarm, that can causes the entire nest to mobilize and attack the perceived treat. Another problem with this is that, some fragrances actually emanate a scent that is similar to a wasp’s pheromones, this in turn can cause an entire nest of wasp to attack a human, without provocation.

Aggressive Nature
It’s a well known fact that unless you physically disturb a bee nest, it’s relatively safe to approach one. As far as wasps goes however, stepping within close proximity of their nest, can cause them to attack you. Wasps are so defensive of their nest, that vibration or loud noise that is caused by lawn equipment for example, can cause the swarm to become highly aggressive and attack a perceived threat.

Arguably, the most dangerous aspect of a wasp are their stings. While it may be true that a bee sting can cause a severe allergic reaction within a small amount of individuals, wasp stings on the other hand can paralyze an individual and cause death, regardless if an individual is allergic or not. One of the reasons why their stings are so harmful is the fact that each time a wasp stings an individual, it releases a toxin that goes by the name of acetylcholine. At mild doses, this venom can cause: vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, excessive bronchial mucous production and muscular twitch. At higher doses, this venom can cause ptosis, respiratory failure and pulmonary edema. And unlike a bee, a wasp can and will sting an individual multiple times, which in turn can cause a deadly buildup of this venom.