How To Get Rid of Wasp in Your Garden

Wasps are one of the most common insects you will find in your garden. Although they may have some benefits, you may need to get rid of them, especially in an area where kids play. There are plenty of ways to get rid of wasps in your garden. Before doing so, it is important to understand the different types of wasps in your area. The two types you are most likely to come across are social wasps or solitary wasps. Social wasps are of a bigger concern due to their large numbers. Follow these simple tips to get rid of them. The first option you have is physical removal. Smacking the wasps with an object like a flyswatter is one of the one of the simplest ways to get rid of them. However, this is risky and is only ideal for small numbers of wasps. Take advantage of the spring season when wasps are coming out of hibernation. They are usually slower and sluggish making it easier for you to catch or kill them. You can sweep them away from your garden or suck them up with a dry cleaner.

Homemade insecticides can also be used. A combination of dish soap and hot water can instantly kill wasps when sprayed directly on them or their nests. A horse end spray can be used for more effectiveness in your garden. You can also create a natural insecticide with peppermint oil. Dilute a little of it with water and then apply it as spray on wasps and their nests. Mixing a little shampoo or dish wash into the spray bottle makes the spray sticky. This clings to the wasps and eventually dehydrates them.

Bait and trap is another option you can use. There are commercial lure traps that you can buy and place in strategic places where wasps frequent in your garden. These traps contain certain chemicals that are pleasing to wasps. A bait station can also be used to kill wandering wasps inside using a chemical insecticide. You can also place glue traps near entry points to their nests. Consider buying proven and reliable garden insecticides that are specifically used for killing wasps.

Get rid of their nests in and around your garden. Remove the nests when they are still small using a broom or a stick. You may have to do this several times before the wasps move away. You can also capture and seal a nest using a plastic bag. Place the bag out in the sun for a few days or freeze it to kill the wasps inside. You should only do this when there is little activity on the nest to avoid any risks of fatal stinging. In case wasp infestation is high in your garden, it’s advisable to hire a professional exterminator.