Carpenter bees may nest together but they are fundamentally solitary creaturs. The males will mate with the females and will remain to defend the nest, even though they have no stinger. And the females will burrow to make a nest, lay the egg, feed the egg, and seal up the area with chewed wood pulp. The female’s carpenter ant is the one the causes damage the aggressive one and the one with the stinger. The males just hover around trying to annoy you if you get to close to the nest but the females will come out and attack.
If you suspect a carpenter bee presence anywhere near or on your property, contact carpenter bee removal Toronto for quick and safe removal.

All carpenter bees start their life as an egg laid by a female carpenter bee. The mother bee will build a catacomb-like tunnel with areas carved out to lay eggs. She will leave some bee bread on the ground of the hole and lay an egg on top. She then seals it up. The egg then hatches and the larva eats the bee bread and grows strong enough to exit the chamber. They will then undergo metamorphosis and become a pupa, a fully formed carpenter bee. This process leaves them vulnerable but their nest protects them well. They are safer than most other matemorphosizing insects.
After 7 weeks of being laid the bee becomes an adult, a male will mate with the female bees and then wander around the nest till death. If it is a female it will go through the process of laying eggs and building tunnels. This will repeat forever if not exterminated and with each new nest, your house will grow weaker. So take action fast and prevent damage to your home.
You can prevent this activity by painting your raw wood and varnishing it. Fill bee holes with wood shavings and wood glue and make sure to stuff it in with a stick or screwdriver. Seal up every hole and then paint over them and the bees inside will die. You can also try using a bee hotel to get them away from the house and into a stable environment where they won’t be a threat to your home and family. Traps work well also.
If the situation is dire though then the best option is to call the professionals at Wasp Control. Our technicians are highly trained and licensed and insured to deal with all carpenter bee and wasp issues. Call us now for a free inspection!.