How Do You Get Rid Of a Large Hornets Nest

How Do You Get Rid Of a Large Hornets Nest

How do you get rid of a large hornet’s nest considering their behaviour and nesting habits? Hornets are 20 species out of over 550 species of wasps found in Canada and over 30,000 species existing worldwide. Having a clear understanding of hornets and their nesting habits will provide the best opportunity to remove hornets’ nest permanently.

Hornets can reside or build their nest in your yard or home. Whichever case, hornets still poses danger to your family and pets as their sting could be fatal. The best practice for dealing with hornets’ nest remains to consult a wasp removal Mississauga company rather than doing it yourself.

What are Hornets?

Hornet refers to one of the largest wasps (Vespidae family) among the social insect. They usually appear as striped with either black and white, black and yellow or reddish-brown; depending on the species. Hornets measure around 1 to 2.5 inches or 12 to 30 mm in length. Their body structure includes two long antennae of 13 segments, two pairs of wings and six legs. Hornets feed on sugary substances (soda or sweet liquids), insects and plants. However, the queens of all species of wasp are sometimes referred to as hornets due to their large body size.

Hornets are dangerous and aggressive. They, however, do not sting a person except when they feel under threat of an imminent attack. Hornets, like every other wasp live in colonies. But the colony goes extinct once it is the fall season as all males and workers die. Only the young wasp, as well as the queens, survive (hibernate) till the next summer and spring. Hence, you start noticing swarms of hornet and other species of wasp during spring and early summer.

Types of Hornet

Hornets share a lot in common with other wasps. However, each species of hornets has a certain distinguishing factor. There are two types of hornets; vespula and Dolichovespula. Vespula hornets like the European hornet prefer concealed or underground nest. Dolichovespula hornets like the bald-faced or Norwegian hornets prefer off the ground nest.

European Hornets

European hornets(Vespa crabro) are also present in parts of Southern Canada, North America, and Europe. They measure about 1 inch (2.5 cm) long and usually have yellow and black bands on the abdomen.

Bald-faced Hornets

The bald-faced hornets (Dolichovespula maculata) are about the most common in Canada and North America. It has a black body, abdomen, and head with white markings all over. 

Asian giant hornets

The  Asian giant hornets are the biggest of the hornet species and can grow to as much as 2 inches (5.1 cm) long. Asian hornets are not only harmful to humans but can kill up to 1,000 bees in an hour. As their name implies, they can be found mostly in Asia but exists in Canada also as they were recently seen in Vancouver. Asian giant hornets are normally brown and yellow with the colour blend forming a yellow and brown band around the abdomen.

5 Popular Large Hornets’ Nest Locations

  • Attic, loft, soffits, behind shutters, roof awnings, vents, wall voids.
  • Deck, stacked wood, hollow tree trunks, lawn, shrubs, 
  • Hanging on the tree branch, upper parts of the pipe.
  • Fence posts, gutters, shingles, garage, and abasements
  • Play sets

How Hornets Build their Nest

Hornets need their nest to mate and grow their colony once the spring and summer sets in. The queens mate to grow the population of wasp. Hornets chew on wood to extract material for building their nest. They chew the wood into coarse paper, appearing grayish. They build their nests mostly on tree branches, shrubs, extend from eaves, wall cavity, underground channels, hollow trees.

The nest consists of large globe-like structures with cells inside covered with a paper-like sheath for protection. Most hornets similarly build their nest, using identical but slightly different materials or structures. Therefore, if you must tell if it is a hornet’s nest then you need to differentiate it from the other wasp nest.

European hornets

European hornets prefer building their nest off the ground. Therefore, you will find a European hornet nest in tree hollows or wall void but it must be high off the ground by at least 1.8 meters.

Bald-faced hornets

Canada’s bald-faced hornet is this wasp that could be found in a person’s yard, deck, attic, pipe, etc. The nest is grayish and usually built off the ground to at least 3 feet high.

Asian giant hornets

The orange-brown Asian giant hornet usually prefers their nest in the hidden locations like tree cavities, underground nest, and wall cavities.

How to get rid of a large Hornets Nest

Precautionary Measures:

For you and other resident’s safety do the following before attempting to get rid of hornets to avoid being stung.

  • Keep other members of the family and those allergic to wasp away.
  • Put on protective gear like a thick shirt, sweatshirt, jeans pants, scarf around the neck, overall, leather boots, hand gloves.

Different Methods to Get Rid of a Large Hornets Nest

Spraying Method

Purchase an insecticide spray containing 1-Methylethoxy, aerosol Pyrethrin or Tetraethin chemical. When dealing with wood, Cypermethric insecticide could be a good choice. Also, purchase a hose-ended sprayer with a long nozzle to shoot 20 to 30 feet. Stand up to 10 feet away but point the nozzle at the bottom end of the nest. Spray from the entrance for at least 20 seconds. Make sure to drench the nest with the chemical and not give any hornet a chance to escape. Leave for 24 hours and inspect. Repeat the process if necessary. 

Dusting Method

Purchase an insecticidal dust formula and the duster. Locate the main entrance into the nest at the bottom, sprinkle some insecticides around the nest. Cover the entrance with the duster so it stops the hornets from coming out. It should kill them. Also, leave the area immediately to avoid been stung. Check again in 2 days to confirm success or repeat the process.

Once you confirm the wasp is dead you can use a plastic bag to cover the hornets’ nest, seal off and dispose in the garbage can outside.

Do you now understand how to get rid of a large hornet’s nest? While there are several methods including baiting, trap, natural remedies and DIY schemes for getting rid of a hornet’s nest. The best solution remains seeking professional wasp removal service. Your family might be at risk of a sting or exposure to chemical if anything goes wrong with fighting wasp infestation. Call on the professional wasp control and removal service today!